Rolling Rails Quilt Pattern

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It all started with a jelly roll. I was shopping at a local quilt shop and there it was, sitting on a shelf was the most lovely jelly roll I ever did see. It said to me, “take me home!” And I said, “yes, come with me.” Well, when I got home I unloaded my haul of amazing fabrics and wondered what lovely things I would make with them. Weeks went by and everyday that beautiful jelly roll was saying, “turn me into something lovely.” So I got to work designing an easy and fast pattern that would showcase this gorgeous color pallet.

I had never used or bought a jelly roll before, but this V&Co Ombre Confetti Metallic Jelly Roll from Moda Fabrics was irresistible. When I did research on jelly roll patterns a Rail Fence quilt stood out to me. My only wish was that I could make it a little more unique. That was when (Ding! Lightbulb!) I got the idea of setting it on point. From there I got my calculator dusted off and started figuring out how I could make a lap size quilt using only one jelly roll. At last, the Rolling Rails Quilt was born.


I immediately began sewing my strips together and assembling my quilt top. And it all came together in the matter of a few hours. I mean, it doesn’t get much easier than that. So if you are in a pinch to get a quilt done in a hurry, this is a perfect pattern. Because it is so fast to make I decided to add a baby size version of the quilt to the pattern. I may be alone in this, but I always feel like I am making quilts for baby showers the week of the party. This is now my go-to quilt pattern for the, “Oh no! I forgot I have that baby shower in two days! How am I going to whip up a quilt in that time?” Don’t sweat it anymore, the Rolling Rails Quilt can be done in time.

Now that I had this beautiful rainbow quilt top ready to be loaded on my longarm it was time for the age old question: What thread color should I use?

I narrowed it down to three colors; gold, lavender, and teal. I was leaning towards the gold because the metallic confetti in the fabric is gold, and I thought it would be a beautiful compliment. But that lavender and teal were intriguing to me. So I did the only thing any reasonable person would do…I took it to Instagram and let my followers decide which thread I should use.

My lovely followers chose gold and I couldn’t be happier. It was perfect for this quilt.

For the quilting design I wanted something that would add great texture as well as contrast the straight lines of the quilt. Ring Toss was a great choice for this quilt. (I can’t wait to see this quilt once it is washed and crinkly.)

Well folks, there you have it. That is my story for the Rolling Rails quilt. And if you don’t have a jelly roll sitting around screaming at you to use it, this pattern would work great just using any kind of scraps or remnants you have taking up space in your stash. I think my next rolling rails quilt will be an ombre solid version starting dark at the top and turning light at the bottom.

With all that said, you can get the Rolling Rails Quilt Pattern FREE! Join my newsletter and it will magically appear in your inbox. Plus, you’ll be the first to know about any discounts and new patterns I have coming in the future.

I hope you all enjoy your free pattern. Post your pictures on Instagram using #rollingrailsquilt I can’t wait to see the beautiful quilts you create!

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The Reticle Quilt